November Gold has been published to commemorate 140 years since Wilfrid Wilson Gibson’s birth in 1878 – and to present an anthology to a new generation of readers as well as those familiar with Gibson’s poems.
Known as one of the Dymock Poets, an author of war poetry and classics such as Flannan Isle, The Golden Room and Northumberland, Gibson also wrote with great understanding and emotion in the voice of early 20th century working men and women; his characters seem to come to life through his words. Lesser known work feature fellow poet Rupert Brooke, Hexham Abbey, Stagshaw Bank Fair and poems about pit ponies, hirings, haymaking and shepherding.
144 pages, 210mm x 148mm. Hardback book, full colour dust jacket.
Author: Wilfrid Wilson Gibson
Price: £14.50 + £2.95 p&p
ISBN: 978-0-9559395-4-9
- November Gold Review - Gibson’s prose sings through the century’s span since it was originally written and holds a mirror to the Northumberland we all know, love and call our home.‘November Gold’, a Wilfrid Gibson anthology is Rory’s Book of the Year and the next addition to our ‘Forum Favourites of 2018’. Forum Books, Corbridge, December 2018
- November Gold Review - ‘November Gold’ is an absolute joy – an anthology of beautifully crafted poems by Hexham-born author Wilfrid Gibson, sensitively selected and carefully compiled by local historian, Hilary Kristensen. All of the poems paint a picture as masterly as any work of art, whether celebrating the curlew’s call or lovingly telling the tale of Dandy Jack. ... Read more